Looking for a ddos protected VPS


Hey so I posted a week or so ago I was looking for a dedicated server with ddos protection I am now interested in finding possibly a VPS instead. Only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 6GB of RAM and at least 50GB of Space, I have a budget of $30 a month. What can you say about GTHost.com vps hosting solutions? Are they good?
Any other web hosts you can recommend?


New member
I am most impressed with GTHost.com for their friendly, timely and helpful support. They have helped me get several sites up and running in no time. The vesta provided is useful and easy to use. Can say that this host is perfect for VPS hosting. Try this plan: 4 CPU, 8GB RAM, SAS/NVMe 160GB, Traffic 16TB - $20/mo.


New member
I host two different sites with GTHost.com Montreal vps. They are prompt with their customer service and tech support, and always send out greatly appreciated notices of maintenance well in advance. Speed and uptime proved by this web host are perfect. It manages such a high quality hosting. It’s great to see such group of motivated and efficient people.